This caller of photos of the 5 boys and 4 girls along their journey to forever homes. After the 1st two pictures taken on the evening they were born, they have paracord collars. Boys are Purple, Black (now Gray), Brown, Yellow, Green. Girls are Red, Orange, Blue, Pink. All puppies from this litter are now off to their forever homes!
Day 0 and room in the panDay 7 and the pan is getting full
At 16 days of age, pups are now a bit more than double in size, averaging about 2 pounds eachEcho pups at 10 daysConnie’s says it’s manicure day, 256 toes to clip (both litters)
Snoozing head down, rough night?
June 28, Day 36
Brown M (Maximus)Orange FGotta wipe my nose after eating. Purple MGreen MYellow MBlue FGray MGreen MEcho’s cool spot on rocksPurple M (L), Yellow M (R) rompPurple M, 43dRed F