We appreciate your interest and comments and love to talk about Gordon Setters. We respond to all inquiries. You may use the form below to reach us.
If using your own email program, use the word Gordon somewhere in your email subject line. This allows our spam filter to identify your message. If you don’t hear from us promptly by email please follow up with a call.
Or call our landline (262) 538-1048. We’re most likely to pickup after 6PM CDT weekdays, or anytime on weekends before 10PM. If we don’t pickup, leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Tamdhu Gordon Setters is located in Hartland, Wisconsin. About 30 miles west of Milwaukee, not far from the northern forest uplands.
Thank you,
Chris and Connie Rhoden
Tamdhu Gordon Setters
(262) 538-1048 landline
tamdhu93 @ gmail . com (remove spaces and use the word "Gordon" in the subject line)
May 26, 2024